Guiding Dissociative Clients to Find Solid Ground
Bethany Brand, Ph.D., a Professor at Towson University, is an expert in trauma disorders and dissociation. Dr. Brand has published over 120 professional papers and chapters, as well as three books, related to the impact of trauma as well as the assessment, and treatment of trauma, dissociation, and attachment. Dr. Brand’s research focuses on a series of international dissociative disorders treatment studies (TOP DD studies); assessment methods for distinguishing dissociative disorders from other conditions including malingering; training therapists about treating trauma; and the assessment of the accuracy and adequacy of textbooks’ coverage of trauma. In her private practice, Dr. Brand treats complex trauma patients and serves as a forensic expert in trauma-related cases.

Healing the Legacy of Transgenerational Trauma with EMDR Therapy
Gus Murray is president of the EMDR All-Ireland Association. He is an EMDR Europe Accredited Senior Trainer and Consultant with 25 years’ experience in the use of EMDR Therapy.
He is a highly experienced Counselling and Psychotherapy trainer having been Programme Director and Lead Trainer at the Cork Institute of Technology for over 25 years. He is an Integrative Psychotherapist, accredited with the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and has also completed standard and advanced level trainings in Somatic Experiencing (SE) and is an accredited SE practitioner. Additionally, he has completed standard and advanced level trainings in Internal Family Systems (Ego State) therapy and has extensive experience in the teaching and practice of Ego State therapy. Gus was the recipient of the Carl Berkeley memorial award (2017) from the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the development of the Counselling and Psychotherapy profession. He has presented at EMDR conferences and events throughout Ireland, the United Kingdom and Europe.

Sink or swim - a lived experience of the Northern Ireland conflict
Dr Michael Paterson OBE is a former police officer who served within the Royal Ulster Constabulary in Northern Ireland during the conflict years. In 1981, during an IRA rocket attack on his armoured police Land Rover, he sustained significant and life-changing injuries, losing both arms and suffering severe lacerations to his lower limbs. Michael lost his police career. He also faced an uphill struggle to change his life. He trained in clinical psychology and then EMDR Therapy. Today he is an EMDR Europe Accredited Senior Trainer who revels in making a difference through his individual client work, and through enthusing and empowering clinicians to deliver EMDR Therapy. Michael's story is set in growing up in a divided society, having a limiting self-belief, and then suffering severe physical trauma. In 1998, EMDR Therapy made a difference in Michael's life - he went on to make his contribution to peacebuilding, and also developing EMDR and treating trauma. Michael was later honoured in 2008 by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II through the award of Officer of the Order of the British Empire, a highly respected order of chivalry